Dear Herbalife Bali International Triathlete,
As reported in the international and Indonesia media, Bali’s Mt. Agung is currently at the highest level of volcanic alert (Level IV-Awas) and areas within 12 kilometers of the mountain have been evacuated as a safety precaution.
At the time of sending this email, the Mt. Agung has yet to erupt. Experts are generally in agreement that any direct destruction will be limited to a 12-km radius of the mountain, far removed from the race location for BIT that is 60-kilometers to the south of the volcano.
Should the mountain erupt, the resulting volcanic ash pattern is forecasted to be carried to an area to the north-northwest of Bali.
We ask that you please carefully note the following in connection with the Herbalife Bali International Triathlon:
* As of September 30, 2017, the race on October 15th will operate as scheduled.
* The Race Directors are in continual contact with the authorities and are monitoring all developments closely. In the event of an eruption does take place before the race date, but the Bali airport remains in operation and air quality along the race course was still suitable for a rigorous athletic activity, the Triathlon would still be operated as planned.
* If, however, the airport was closed in the period immediately before the race date and air quality measurements made it inadvisable for an outside sporting event, the race would be postponed until the earliest possible time a new race date could be scheduled.
* While no refunds would be issued due to a natural disaster, all registration fees paid would move to the new race date.
* We strongly suggest that all race participants monitor their emails and regularly visit the official race website at for updates and changes in the race schedule.
Again, at this time, the race is still on for October 15th as the organizers monitor closely any developments affecting the Herbalife Bali International Triathlon.
Best regards from Bali!
October 1st, 2017
Bali International Triathlon
Peserta Herbalife Bali International Triathlon yang kami hormati,
Seperti diberitakan dalam media nasional dan internasional, status Gunung Agung sekarang berada pada tingkat bahaya tertinggi (Level IV-Awas) dan area dalam radius 12 Km telah dikosongkan untuk keselamatan penduduknya.
Pada waktu email ini dikirimkan, Gunung Agung masih belum meletus. Para ahli telah sepakat bahwa akibat letusan hanya akan berdampak dalam radius 12 Km dari puncak gunung. Sedangkan lokasi Lomba Herbalife Bali International Triathlon berada jauh di Sanur, berjarak 60 Km di sebelah Selatan Gunung Agung.
Apabila Gunung Agung meletus, abu vulkanik diperkirakan terbang ke arah Utara – Barat Laut.
Berhubungan dengan Herbalife Bali International Triathlon, kami sarankan agar para peserta memperhatikan hal-hal sbb:
* Sampai tanggal 30 September 2017, Lomba tanggal 15 Oktober akan berjalan sesuai dengan rencana.
* Race Directors terus berkomunikasi dengan pihak-pihak berwenang dan menyimak perkembangan situasi dengan cermat. Apabila terjadi bencana letusan gunung sebelum Lomba dimulai, namun Airport Ngurah Rai tetap beroperasi dan kualitas udara masih memenuhi syarat untuk Lomba, Triathlon akan tetap dilaksanakan.
* Namun apabila Airport ditutup menjelang Lomba dimulai dan kualitas udara buruk, Lomba akan ditunda sampai waktu yang memungkinkan untuk diadakan kembali.
* Tidak ada refund (pengembalian biaya) atas bencana alam ini, namun biaya pendaftaran bisa dialihkan ke tanggal yang baru nanti.
* Kami sangat berharap bahwa setiap peserta selalu memonitor email-nya dan secara berkala mengunjungi untuk mengetahui perkembangan terbaru.
Sekali lagi, sampai saat ini Lomba tanggal 15 Oktober masih berjalan sesuai dengan rencana sementara penyelenggara terus memonitor secara cermat perkembangan situasi yang bisa mempengaruhi acara Herbalife Bali International Triathlon.
Salam hangat dari Bali,
1 Oktober 2017
Bali International Triathlon
Triathlon for the soul